Tuesday, June 20, 2023

True Worship

“True worshipers worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” [1]

“With these words Jesus described the basis for true worship... in spirit and in truth.

To worship in spirit means you are concerned with spiritual realities.

To worship in truth means you worship according to the whole counsel of God’s word, especially in light of the New Testament revelation. It also means that you come to God in truth, not in pretense or a mere display of spirituality.” [2]

Consider this!

As we worship God, we are not talking about God, we are singing TO God.

As we worship God, we declare to Him our faith and appreciation of Him.

As we worship, those around us hear us loving Him and praising Him for how wonderful He is. We proclaim the truth of Christ in the power of spiritual songs that were inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Worship is beautiful to hear. It is a beautiful sound.

God inhabits the praises of His people.

May the Lord bless you to enter true spiritual praise and worship of Him today!

[1] John 4:23-24
[2] Enduring Word Commentary

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