Tuesday, July 4, 2023

First Love

Keep your spiritual fire burning. A lady who had not been to church in a while heard a rumor that the President would be at church Sunday. She called the Pastor and asked about it. He said, “No, but the King of kings will be here and that should be good enough for you.”

Ho-hum Christianity is when “we believe,” but yawn in the face of God. “What an insult to God!” “No fire! No zeal! No enthusiasm for the things of God! A half-hearted dry-eyed church in a hell-bent world!”

People tend to cool down by degrees. Jesus told one church, “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love.” [1] First love is enthusiastic. First love is not minimal. First love is maximum! “Was there ever a time you loved Jesus more than you do now? Then, you left your first love.”

“In some churches you have to backslide to remain in fellowship.” Hows your urgency to bring the Gospel to the lost?

How many read news reports? How many read the Bible? How many believe news sources? How many believe the Bible? Which should we read more? [2]

“Dear Heavenly Father, thank You that You loved us before we were created. You gave us air to breathe. Gravity to keep our feet on solid ground! Hearts beating! Food, clothes, and houses! You gave Your only begotten Son to save us from our sins. So many reasons to love You and to love You with all our hearts. Lord, please forgive us and restore our first love for You. Help us to worship You with enthusiasm! Speak with fire! Serve with humility! Bring lost souls to You! Be glorified! We love You! TRULY LOVE YOU! In the Name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.”

[1] Revelation 2:4
[2] Adrian Rogers quotes

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