Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Relieving the Suffering of Refugees

“I was a stranger and you invited Me in.” [1]

In Huaquillas, Ecuador, approximately two hundred families — mostly Venezuelan — are homeless. Twenty percent to thirty percent of this population are children and adolescents. Christians are helping them.

In Somalia, parents watch helplessly as their children die from starvation due to severe drought.

In Afghanistan, suicide rates have spiked exceedingly. There are reports of parents selling their children food. Their situation is so dire.

Before the conflict between Russia and Ukraine began, the UNHCR set the number of refugees at 79.5 million. There are refugees fleeing from Venezuela, Syria, Afghanistan, Congo, South Sudan, and Myanmar. Now add two million from Ukraine.

We pray as though we were them, and claim the promises in God’s Word for them...

“Have mercy on me, my God, have mercy on me, for in You I take refuge. I will take refuge in the shadow of Your wings until the disaster has passed.” “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” [2]

Refugee children sometimes become separated from their families. These children are more vulnerable to abuse, labor, exploitation, and trafficking.

“Lord of the nations, You tell us to ‘Turn from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it.’ We ask You to make ‘wars cease to the ends of the earth’ so children and families can enjoy safety and prosperity again.” [3]

In Syria, there is an orphanage for children of violence. Many of them Yazidi children. Their mother’s fled from the killing squads in Iraq. Despite their efforts to flee for safety, they were raped, and gave birth to children. Before some returned to Iraq, they were told to leave the children behind because no one wanted to see these children of their enemies. Now, these mothers try to keep on living even though it is like they are dead inside.

“For He will deliver the needy who cry out, the afflicted who have no one to help. He will take pity on the weak and the needy and save the needy from death. He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in His sight.” [4]

“Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for mobilizing Your people to respond to these needs.”

[1] Matthew 25:35
[2] Psalm 57:1; Psalm 46:1; Psalm 34:18
[3] Psalm 34:14; Psalm 46:9
[4] Psalm 72:12-14

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