Saturday, March 12, 2022

God Loves You!

“The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” [1]

I am so thankful that God sent His Son into the world to show us His glory. Grace and truth reflect His glory.

Jesus brought truth to light in a world full of darkness and deception. He did this graciously.

The main truth that Jesus conveyed to us is that God loves us.

He included, even healed, the leper who was previously outcast. He opened the eyes of the blind... now there’s light where once was only darkness! He made lame legs walk again.... restoring the get-up-and-go to someone whose get-up-and-go got-up-and-went. He forgave the thief on the cross next to Him... the one who believed that Jesus would raise from the dead even though Jesus was dying on the cross next to him. Jesus said to him “Truly I tell you, today you will be with Me in paradise.” [2] Today! Not after a long period of time in purgatory! Immediate paradise because Jesus says so. He can do that! Amazing grace!!!

May the Lord Jesus bless you today to know and believe God’s love for you. May you rest in His love.

Oh and by the way, Jesus stood up to the oppressive and deceptive Pharisees. He did not cave to Pilate or Herod when they threatened Him for holding to His mission. Jesus showed the bullies that there is life after death when He resurrected on the 3rd day!

May our Lord Jesus bless you with the peace that passes all understanding to keep your heart and mind in Him. God has wonderful plans for you. Just keep on believing! God loves you!

[1] John 1:14
[2] Luke 23:43

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