Sunday, August 4, 2024

Share the Good News

When I was a teenager, the church I attended did an evangelism training. In the process of learning how to share the Gospel with others, I received the blessed assurance of knowing that I was saved by God's grace and not by my own works. That is why the Gospel is good news.

Jesus Christ paid the price for our sins so that we who believe in Him do not have to pay that price. The price of unforgiven sin is death and after that judgment, and being cast into the place of darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth and the fire is not quenched. The gift of God is eternal life in paradise with Christ and with all the joyful people who have believed and received Him.

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved. Acts 16:31

I have attached pictures of God's words about sin and about salvation, as well as some illustrations that I memorized as a teenager for the purpose of sharing the Gospel with others. I am praying for opportunities and boldness to share this good news with people who have yet to hear, understand and believe it.

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