Thursday, December 2, 2021

House of Prayer Not Merchandise

The Son of God came to earth and lived among us. On the one hand, He came to make atonement for our sins and to defeat the power of sin, satan and death over us. On the other hand, He came to embody the Word of God so that we would have God’s interpretation of Scripture perfectly practiced by Himself in human flesh.

Every story in the Gospels tells us something about our Creator and Sustainer. For example, when Jesus found people in the temple doing profitable business dealings for themselves, He had made a whip of cords, and drove them out. He told them, “Do not make My Father’s house a house of merchandise!” [1] God denounced the exploitation of His temple for selfish gain by the managers of it.

I like what the Lord did through Billy Graham. He turned for-personal-profit business locations into venues to preach the Gospel to lost souls. For example, He preached the Gospel to lost souls at the Raymond James Stadium in Tampa Bay before the Buccaneers played their first football game in it. Thousands of souls streamed to their knees in repentance and professed faith in Christ during the days of that crusade. Praise the Lord!

“Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.” [2]

The Lord says that those who are wise will shine. He said that the true stars of this life turn people to righteousness. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every church venue in the world would be a venue for the Gospel to be preached to lost souls? And that thousands of souls would stream to their knees in repentance and profess faith in Christ during the services?

Let us pray for revival!

[1] John 2:14-16
[2] Daniel 12:3

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