Friday, July 23, 2021

A River of Gladness for God's People

The enemies of Ezra’s people did many things to ensure that they would fail.


Asked for help but planned to sabotage them. [1]
Discouraged and troubled them. [2]
Hired counselors (legal help) to frustrate their purpose. [3]
Composed litigation and submitted it to authorities. [4]
Portrayed them as seditious rebels who did not pay taxes [5]
Projected the king would lose his dominion if they prospered [6]
Recommended that the king stop the work. [7]

Their tactics worked; the king forcefully stopped the work of God’s people. [8]

However, two years later, the prophets Haggai and Zechariah began prophesying in the name of God, and the people began to build once again based on the Word of God and based on faith in the power of God. “The prophets of God were with them, helping them.” [9]

The enemies questioned the builders. They informed the king on them. [10]

Despite the setbacks and hardships caused by those who opposed them, the story has a happy ending for God’s people. They trusted in God. They kept doing His work. The king eventually ceased to listen to their enemies. He mandated that their enemies should help fund their work. He threatened to execute anyone who opposed them.

“There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God...” [11] This river flows from God’s throne and it is rich with words from Him that help those who love and serve Him.

[1] Ezra 4:1-3
[2] Ezra 4:4
[3] Ezra 4:5
[4] Ezra 4:6
[5] Ezra 4:7-15
[6] Ezra 4:16
[7] Ezra 4:21
[8] Ezra 4:23
[9] Ezra 5:1-2
[10] Ezra 5:3-17
[11] Psalm 46:4

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