Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Relentless Faith

The martyrdom of Stephen was only the beginning. Great persecution hit the Jerusalem Church. Some from the Jerusalem Church scattered to Judea (south) and others to Samaria (north). Among those who stayed behind, many were arrested and imprisoned by Saul of Tarsus.

Those who fled from Jerusalem were preaching God’s Word everywhere. [1]

Such a relentless faith! The Holy Spirit empowered them to keeping spreading the good news about what Jesus did for the salvation of the world, namely, His self-sacrifice for sin on the cross and His resurrection from the dead three days later.

One of the Jerusalemite Christians named Philip traveled to a Samarian city and preached Christ there. Multitudes listened to him and there was immense joy in that city. Those who believed were baptized.

After that, the Lord led Philip to meet the treasurer of Queen Candace of Ethiopia. The man was sitting in his chariot and reading Isaiah 53:7-8 when Philip approached him. Talk about perfect timing! The Treasurer asked Philip, of whom Isaiah was speaking. He was describing Israel’s future Messiah. So, Philip started there, and preached to him Jesus. The Treasurer believed in Jesus and was baptized that same day. [2]

After that, Philip preached Jesus in many cities till he came to Caesarea. [3]

Christianity is still spreading. As of April 7, 2021, the top twenty countries where Christianity is growing the fastest (based on percentage increases from year to year) are:

1. Nepal
2. China
3. United Arab Emirates
4. Saudi Arabia
5. Qatar
6. Oman
7. Yemen
8. Mongolia
9. Cambodia
10. Bahrain
11. Benin
12. Burkina Faso
13. South Sudan
14. Bhutan
15. Mali
16. Brunei
17. Guinea
18. Kuwait
19. Singapore
20. Turks and Caicos Islands [4]

[1] Acts 8:1-4
[2] Acts 8:5-8, 12, 26-37
[3] Acts 8:40

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