Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Triumphant Over Troublemakers

“...The Jews from Asia seeing him [Paul] in the temple, stirred up the whole crowd and laid hands on [lynched] him.” [1]

“The Jews of Asia” were set against him [Paul] wheresoever he went as Acts 14:19; 17:5 show. [2]

“Their charges against him are partly flat lies, partly conclusions drawn from misapprehension of his position, partly exaggeration, and partly hasty assumptions. When passion is roused, exaggerations and assumptions soon become definite assertions.” [3]

Paul was a Jew. He was not against these Jews of Asia. He was for them. He was making every effort to point them to their Messiah.

Perhaps, it was a false accusation that was Paul’s thorn in his side. He called his thorn “a messenger of Satan to buffet me.” False accusations leading to persecution were a constant trial for Paul. [4]

A riot broke out in the city. Paul was lynched and beaten. A Roman Commander saw the violence and stopped the rioters from killing Paul. The Officer asked the people what Paul had done. “Some among the multitude cried one thing and some another.” [5]

Satan is called the accuser of the brothers. He was at work that day. [6]

Josephus, the famous Jewish historian, in writing about the conquering of Jerusalem in the days of the Hasmoneans and Maccabees, made the comment: “Because two brothers could not get along, we lost our freedom and liberty to Rome.” The Hasmoneans and Maccabees had been successfully defending Jerusalem from foreign invaders until they turned on one another.

The enemy divides to conquer. Jesus said that a house divided against itself cannot stand. [7]

What percentage of our news today is inflammatory and accusatory? Where are the voices for forgiveness and reconciliation? Who is urging us towards goodwill?

Jesus declared, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.” [8]

“Dear Heavenly Father, please help us to sow peace not discord. Truth not falsehood! Forgiveness not bitterness! Goodwill not ill-will. Please pour Your love into our interpersonal relationships. This we pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

[1] Acts 21:27
[2] Matthew Poole’s Commentary
[3] MacLaren’s Expositions
[4] 2 Corinthians 12:7
[5] Acts 21:30-34
[6] Revelation 12:10
[7] Matthew 12:25
[8] Matthew 5:9

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