Friday, April 2, 2021

Healed in the Name of Jesus

Who restored mobility to the lame man?

“The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
The God of our fathers,
Glorified His Servant Jesus,
Whom you delivered up...
Whom you denied in the presence of Pilate,
When he was determined to let Him go.
You denied the Holy One and the Just,
You asked for a murderer to be granted to you.
You killed the Prince of life,
Whom God raised from the dead,
Of which we are witnesses.

His name, through faith in His name,
Has made this [lame] man strong,
[The lame man at the temple gate]
Whom you see and know.
Yes, FAITH which comes thru Him [Jesus]...
Has given him this perfect soundness [healing]...
In the presence of you all.” [1]

Faith in Jesus gave the lame man perfect soundness. Shalom – Wholeness! Working legs!

What should those who crucified Jesus do considering this miracle?

“Yet... I know that you did it [crucified Christ] ...
In ignorance, as did your rulers.

That which God foretold...
By the mouth of all His prophets,
That the Christ would suffer,
He has thus fulfilled.

Repent therefore and be converted,
So that, your sins may be blotted out,
So that times of refreshment may come...
From the presence of the Lord,
And so that He may send Jesus Christ,
Who was preached to you before,
Whom heaven must receive until...
The times of restoration of all things,
Which God has spoken by...
The mouth of all His holy prophets...
Since the world began.” [2]

Those who crucified Jesus should repent and be converted to faith in Him.

Why did Jesus Christ resurrect from the dead?

“God, having raised up His Servant Jesus,
Sent Him to bless you,
In turning away...
Every one of you from your iniquities.” [3]

Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead to bless us and to help us turn from our iniquities.

The lame man was healed that day by the power of Jesus’ Name. Others were healed of the crippling effect of sin and guilt as they BELIEVED in JESUS.

“Holy Spirit, please grant us faith to believe in the resurrected Christ. Faith that in Christ our sins are forgiven by God! Faith, that in Him, there are seasons of refreshing blessings! This we pray in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.”

[1] Acts 3:13-15
[2] Acts 3:16-21
[3] Acts 3:26

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