Friday, September 25, 2020

Seeing God

On the morning of June 10, 1973, I awoke from sleep. It was Sunday morning. I told my older brother that I had a dream. I heard a choir singing the words of Psalm 51:10-12. I saw a bright light. He responded, “Write it down and see what happens.”

Later that afternoon, my father died in a manner of minutes from a heart attack. I was on my knees next to him, begging him not to die. I was 13 years old.

As I reflect back on that day, I thank my Heavenly Father because He knew that I could not hold up under the burden of my guilt and my grief. He provided pre-trial guidance for me…

“Create in me a clean heart, O God”
(God did create a new heart in me)

“Renew a steadfast spirit within me”
(His Spirit was working on me)

“Do not cast me away from Your presence”
(The Lord never left me. He did not forsake me.) 

“Do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.”
(The Holy Spirit has helped me throughout my life.)

“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,”
(Joy - because Christ paid for my salvation on the cross.
Joy - My father believed in Jesus. I shall see him again.)

Though I did not hear the angelic choir sing verse 13 of Psalm 51, I add it here:

“Uphold me by Your generous Spirit.”
(The Holy Spirit does help me in generous fashion.)

“Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,”
(The Holy Spirit points transgressors to Jesus.)

“Sinners shall be converted to You.”
(The Gospel of Jesus Christ converts sinners.)

Jesus taught, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8)

Ask the Lord to forgive your sins and create in you a new heart. Once He does, you will see the many ways in which He is working in your life. You will sense His presence with you.

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