Thursday, August 29, 2019

Miracles of the Resurrected Christ

A man named Saul is threatening and murdering the disciples of the Lord. He is hunting Christians with the goal of caging them. Putting them in prison! Then, suddenly, he encounters the resurrected Jesus Christ. His response, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” [1]

Saul spends some days with the disciples of the Lord, then, immediately begins preaching that Christ is the Son of God in the Jewish synagogues. People are amazed at the very tangible transformation in Saul’s life. He is now proving to his fellow Jews that this Jesus is the Christ. [2]

Twice, Saul is delivered by the Lord from assassination plots. [3] Saul continues to preach boldly in the name of Jesus.

The outcome of Saul’s conversion to Christianity is that the churches in his region experience peace and growth. Christians now walk in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. [4]

Then, there’s Peter. Jesus heals a man that was paralyzed and bedridden for eight years via Peter. Many people in that region turn to Jesus. After this miracle, Jesus empowers Peter to raise a woman from the dead. News of this miracle spreads throughout the region and many believed in Jesus. [5]

“Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Son into the world! Please continue to do miracles so that people turn to You and believe in You. Please grace Your churches with growth via the preaching of Your Word. In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.”

[1] Acts 9:6
[2] Acts 9:19-22
[3] Acts 9:23, 29
[4] Acts 9:31
[5] Acts 9:35, 42

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