Monday, August 28, 2017

The Greatest Riches

“Esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt; for he (Moses) looked to the reward.” [1]

There came a point in the life of Moses, when, by the grace of God, he preferred being insulted for his faith in God over owning the treasures of Egypt. What? Egypt was the wealthiest nation on earth. How could he esteem insults for Christ more so than the treasures of Egypt?


God gave Moses grace to serve unhappy and oppressed slaves. God gave him grace to have good-will towards them. By relying on the power and guidance of God, Moses freed the Israelites from serving the fleshly desires of Egyptians.

God gave Moses grace to bring them to His holy mountain to serve Him. [2] God wanted these former expendables to enjoy a special relationship with Him. They would be His special treasure above all people on the earth. [3]

The Israelites liked the liberation part, but not so much the part of closeness with God. Closeness with God requires loving God more than the world. God got the people out of Egypt. That was the easy part. Now, He needed to get Egypt out of them.

I found myself identifying with the Psalmist as he prayed, “I have become as a wonder to many, but You are my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day. Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails.” [4]

Thanks to the grace I have in Christ Jesus, I am a treasured possession of God. AND Christ is my treasure. I don’t have much to offer Him in return for all His benefits to me. I am currently morphing into a senior citizen. But guess what, that is okay. God does not cast us off when we become old. He does not forsake us when our earthly value wither. No, God draws near to us. In fact, Moses was over 80 years old when God used him to lead the slaves out of Egypt. So, I am depending on God during my senior years to do great things for those around me. Rather than lamenting or complaining, I am depending on God more.

PRAISE… to my Lord Jesus… “Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with Your glory all the day.” [5]

[1] Hebrews 11:26
[2] Exodus 3:12
[3] Exodus 19:5
[4] Psalm 71:7-9
[5] Psalm 71:8

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