Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A Parent’s Perspective of Psalm 119

Recently, I have had the privilege of being the temporary sole caregiver of three of my eleven grandchildren. Being older and having enjoyed a season of being an empty nester, I noticed how much I value the moments of peace, harmony, joy and love when they occur. This being said, I read Psalm 119 with a parent’s perspective, that is, what if these were my grandchildren making such statements and behaving in accordance with these words? I would be so happy!

“Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the Law of the Lord! Blessed are those who keep His testimonies, who seek Him with the whole heart!” [1]

Shunning defiling influences! Seeking the Lord and His goodness with the whole heart!

“How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word. With my whole heart I have sought You; O, let me not wander from Your commandments! Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You. I will meditate on Your precepts and contemplate Your ways. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your Word.” [2]

Imagine if your children did not want to wander from the path of obedience! That they delighted in your commandments! Now, imagine how it delights the heart of God to have a son or daughter here on earth like that!

“Deal bountifully with Your servant, that I may live and keep Your Word. Open my eyes, that I may see wondrous things from Your Law.” [3]

Abundance mercy from God to help us heed His Word! Seeing things in His Word that we never noticed before! Having an appetite for listening to Him and following Him!

“Remove from me the way of lying and grant me Your Law graciously.” [4]

No delight in what is false or deceptive! Leaning on God’s grace to embrace and keep His laws!

“Turn away my eyes from looking at Vanity and revive me in Your way.” [5]

This is the TV verse… T-urn and V-anity. Don’t let my eyes feast on that which defiles me!

“Those who fear You will be glad when they see me, because I have hoped in Your Word.” [6]

It is wonderful to be with a group of people who love to meditate on and delight in God’s Word, and to be one of them because of the transforming work of Christ in your life.

“Unless Your Law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction.” [7]

It is good to store up faith in God’s promises during the easy days so that when difficult days come you are ready to triumph over them.
“O, how I love Your Law! It is my meditation all the day.” [8] Amen!

“I have restrained my feet from every evil way, that I may keep Your Word. I have not departed from Your judgments, for You Yourself have taught me. How sweet are Your Words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through Your precepts I get understanding; therefore, I hate every false way. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. I have inclined my heart to perform Your statutes forever, to the very end.” [9]

Knowing that God’s Word is the lamp for my feet and that false words do not yield light, I want to always yield to Christ!

“Depart from me, you evildoers, for I will keep the commandments of my God!” [10]

I do not delight in the freedom to rebel against God and against good commandments. I delight in the freedom and will to obey Him!
“The entrance of Your Words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple.” [11]

I need the light of God’s Word otherwise my life will descend into chaos and destruction.

“Great peace have those who love Your Law, and nothing causes them to stumble.” [12]

Love for His Law yields peace. Breaking His Law yields problems.
“Let Your hand become my help, for I have chosen Your precepts.” [13]

I recognize my need for God’s grace to forgive my past sins, and to transform my desires so that I love Him more than all else, and in the process I do what is best for me and for those around me. Amen.

[1] Psalm 119:1-2
[2] Psalm 119:9-11, 15-16
[3] Psalm 119:17-18
[4] Psalm 119:29
[5] Psalm 119:37
[6] Psalm 119:74
[7] Psalm 119:92
[8] Psalm 119:97
[9] Psalm 119: 101-105, 112
[10] Psalm 119:115
[11] Psalm 119:130
[12] Psalm 119:162
[13] Psalm 119:173

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