Thursday, November 10, 2022

Affirming God’s Witnesses

“He who gathers in summer is a wise son; He who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame.” [1]

Now is the time to harvest! Our feet are still on planet earth. It is our opportunity to share the Good News of what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross and at the empty tomb.

Consider God’s servant Job! His story is a metaphor for Christians who are attacked physically, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally for their faith and obedience to God. The lengthiest part of Job’s suffering was with his “three friends” who did not understand that he was being a witness for God. The story concludes with God affirming that Job spoke rightly of Him. [2]

Peter, James, and Paul, like Job, also suffered for their faith in God.

Consider what happened to Jesus while He walked the earth! After He preached to the truth to them, His hometown folks almost threw Him over a cliff. [3]

For so many years, I have struggled to overcome the lie that a person needs to be continuously “successful” in the eyes of others to be a good witness for God. That is not Scriptural. Actually, in most cases, it is contrary to Scripture. What I have experienced when I love people like Jesus loves them is attacks. The enemy of human souls – the devil – delights in his captives. The last thing the devil wants is for some person to demonstrate by word and deed the love of Jesus Christ to lost souls.

“He who gathers in summer is a wise son.” [4] Gathering is work. It involves sweat, injuries, and yes, even unkind treatment at times. The gatherer's hope is in his or her Redeemer. One day, he or she will be welcomed into the Savior's rest.

“Thank You, Heavenly Father, for affirming those who witness for You.”

[1 & 4] Proverbs 10:5
[2] Job 42:7
[3] Luke 4:29

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