Wednesday, January 5, 2022

The Gospel Preached to all Nations

Jesus’ prophesied that His people would be hated by all nations in the end time. [1] But after saying this, He provided a much more optimistic prophecy about His people. Even though they will be an unpopular minority, they will be doing something great...

“And this Gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” [2]

Jesus Christ motivated a small and weak group of people to do something big, namely, preach the Gospel of the kingdom in all the world... to all nations...”

Jesus reveals an important marker to identify what His true followers will be doing before He returns. They will be busy with getting the Gospel to all nations. The Greek word translated “will be preached” means to proclaim with formality, gravity, and an authority. Preaching appeals to the heart and urges action. [3]

The apostle Paul, “preached the kingdom of God and taught the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.” [4]

Jesus was clear that His Church will preach (and teach) the Gospel message on a global scale. Paul also wrote that the Gospel must be spread “to the ends of the world.” [5]

Jesus has commissioned His Church to make the Gospel message accessible to “all nations.”

“...As a witness...”

From the Greek word for “witness” we get the word martyr (to die for something), but the original Greek word means to testify, especially when being tried.

“...And then the end will come...”

In this context, “the end” refers to Christ’s second coming—which marks the end of “this present evil age.” [6]

Yesterday, the Lord refreshed my heart with news of Chinese Christians taking the Gospel to the region called the 10/40 window where the greatest number of unreached people groups live. I have attached a few pictures from a YouTube video where Zola Levitt interviews Brother Yun.

[1] Matthew 24:6
[2] Matthew 24:14
[3] Matthew 4:17; Mark 1:14-15; Luke 24:47; Acts 8:12
[4] Acts 28:31
[5] Romans 10:18
[6] Galatians 1:4

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