Monday, January 17, 2022

Jesus Messiah Our Savior

His face shone like the sun.
His clothes became as light. [1]

Moses (representing the Law) spoke with Him
Elijah (representing the Prophets) spoke with Him
The Father declared, “This is My beloved Son...
In whom I am well pleased. Hear Him!” [2]
The Law and Prophets point to Jesus.
The Father points to Jesus.
He is God's Messiah and our Savior.

A father brought to Him a demon-oppressed son.
Jesus rebuked the demon, and the son was cured. [3]
Jesus has authority and power to defeat demons.

He spoke of being betrayed.
He spoke of being killed.
He spoke of being resurrected on the third day. [4]
Jesus has authority and power over sin and death.

The tax collector demanded taxes.
He provided tax money from the mouth of a fish.
The tax was paid for Him and for Peter. [5]
The government demanded what they could not pay.
Jesus miraculously provided for Peter and Himself.

Jesus is God’s beloved Son.
God is well pleased in Him.
Let us trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.
He is God’s Messiah and our Savior.

[1] Matthew 17:2
[2] Matthew 17:3-5
[3] Matthew 17:14-18
[4] Matthew 17:22-23
[5] Matthew 17:24-27

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