Friday, February 1, 2019

Justified by Faith in Christ Q & A

Study questions with answers and comments from Romans 4:

When Abraham believed God and when we believe God, God counts our faith as…

Righteousness (vss. 3-5)

David declared that a person to whom God imputes righteousness apart from works is…

Blessed (vss. 6-8)

It is a divine blessing to have our lawless deeds forgiven and our sins...

Covered (vs. 7)

Abraham is the father of all who walk by faith in…

God (vs. 12)

We become heirs of the world through faith in…

God. (vs. 13)

The law brings about…

Wrath (vs. 15)

Righteousness by faith is based on God’s…

Grace (vs. 16)

Abraham was not weak in…

Faith (vs. 19)

Abraham did not waver in his faith even though God’s promise to him seemed impossible. The implication here is that we should not waver in our faith that God can impute righteousness to us when we believe in His Son Jesus Christ. (vss. 19-20)

Abraham was strengthened in faith as he gave glory to…

God (v. 21)

Abraham was fully convinced that what God had promised He was also able to…

Perform (vs. 21)

Are you fully convinced that God keeps His promises?

Abraham’s faith in God was accounted to him by God for…

Righteousness (vs. 22)

God imputing to Abraham righteousness was not written for him alone. It was written also for...

Us (vss. 23-24)

Righteousness is imputed to all who believe in God who raised up Jesus our Lord from the...

Dead (vs. 24)

Jesus was delivered up to death because of our…

Offenses (vs. 25)

Jesus was resurrected from the dead for our...

Justification (vs. 25)

When God considers the evidence upon which He justifies us, the evidence He considers is what Christ has done, not what we have done. Christ is our hope.

“For our sake He [God] made Him [Christ] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him [Christ] we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)

It is by faith in Christ that we stand.

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