Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Relying on the Lord for Salvation

Once upon a time, a King of Judah named Amaziah hired 100,000 mighty men of valor from Israel for 100 talents of silver [$170,000 or $17 per man]. But after he did this, a man of God came to him, and said, “O king, do not let the army of Israel go with you, for the Lord is not with Israel.” Amaziah then asked the man of God, “But what shall we do about the 100 talents which I have given to the troops of Israel?” The man of God answered him, ‘The Lord is able to give you much more than this.’” He listened to the man of God. The battle was won. [1]

The Lord graciously helps us when we trust in Him for salvation. He is our Savior! Saving is what He does.

Truly, our Lord Jesus Christ saves to the uttermost all who come to God through Him.

“He [Jesus] is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” [2]

[1] 2 Chronicles 25:6-7, 8-9, 11
[2] Hebrews 7:25

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