Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Daring to Speak FOR God when Speaking AGAINST God is Trending

Zechariah is a not-so celebrated Bible hero. His father saved a king. That king executed Zechariah. Why? He dared to speak FOR GOD when speaking against God was trending.

“He [the Lord] sent prophets to them, to bring them back to the Lord; and they testified against them, but they would not listen.

Then the Spirit of God came upon Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest, who stood above the people, and said to them, ‘Thus says God: Why do you transgress the commandments of the Lord, so that you cannot prosper? Because you have forsaken the Lord, He also has forsaken you.’

So, they conspired against him [Zechariah], and at the command of the king they stoned him with stones in the court of the house of the Lord. Thus, Joash the king did not remember the kindness which Jehoiada his [Zechariah’s] father had done to him, but killed his son; and as he died, he said, ‘The Lord look on it, and repay!’” [1]

The kindness Jehoida had shown Joash was that he saved Joash from being killed by his mother Queen Athaliah. Jehoida hid Joash for seven years. He raised him for seven years and ensured that he was enthroned as king after his mother was executed.

The Lord repaid Joash for his iniquity (unequal treatment) against Jehoida and his son Zechariah. During the very next spring, the Syrian army came against him with a small company of men and defeated Joash’s much greater army – why? – because Joash had led his people to abandon the Lord. Not only that, but Joash was wounded during the battle, and later assassinated while in lying on a bed in a recovery room. [2]

Zechariah is undoubtedly enjoying a heavenly time with his Creator and Redeemer.

“Lord, please turn people back to You. Help me and Your people to speak FOR YOU even when speaking against You is trending.”

[1] 2 Chronicles 24:19-22
[2] 2 Chronicles 24:23-25

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