Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Unleavened Bread

One Sunday, my wife held up a piece of cracker as she spoke of Christ and what He did for our salvation. She asked us to notice that it was flat. She explained that yeast makes bread to rise up, which is like pride in our spirit. The bread that the Israelites took with them when they escaped from the cruel bondage of Pharaoh (a type of Satan) was unleavened bread. Flat bread! She went on to explain that when Christ took away our sins, He was humble. He did not count equality with God something to grasp. He humbly gave up His life for people who were mocking Him and scorning Him that they might be saved eternally.

“Lord Jesus, we have people experiencing fires and floods. We have enemies such as terrorists, gangsters and human traffickers. We have people who hate one another. Please help us to be more like You Jesus. To be humble! To make sacrifices for the salvation and well-being of others! To speak words of encouragement and love for one another. For it is in Your Mighty Name I pray. Amen.”

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