Thursday, August 18, 2016

Prayers For Holding to God's Word

“Turn MY HEART toward Your statutes and not toward selfish gain. Turn my eyes away from worthless things; PRESERVE my life according to Your Word. Fulfill Your PROMISE to Your servant so that You may be feared.” [1]

The opposite of a heart for God’s Word is a heart for selfish gain. Let us ask the Lord to turn our eyes FROM empty pursuits, and TOWARDS life in God’s Word. Let us ask the Lord to ensure His promises will be fulfilled in our lives with the goal that our listeners will fear the Lord.

“I will walk about in FREEDOM for I have sought out Your precepts.” [2]

God’s Word gives us victory over the devil’s enslaving and oppressive ways. “Thank You Heavenly Father for helping to walk in freedom.” Jesus said, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” [3]

“I DELIGHT in Your commands because I love them. Remember Your Word to Your servant for You have given me HOPE. My COMFORT in my suffering is this: Your PROMISE preserves my life.” [4]

Let us tell the Lord of our delight and love for His commandments. His Word gives us hope. His Word comforts us when we are suffering and preserves us.

“Before I was afflicted, I went astray, but now I OBEY Your Word.” [5]

Praise God for allowing afflictions that correct us from straying from God to obeying Him.

“You are GOOD, and what You do is good; teach me Your decrees. Your hands made and formed me; give me UNDERSTANDING to learn Your commands. Your Word is a LAMP for my feet, a LIGHT on my path. My heart is set on keeping Your decrees to the very end. You are my REFUGE and my SHIELD; I have put my HOPE in Your Word. SUSTAIN me, my God, according to Your promise and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.” [6]

Let us ask God to teach us His decrees because He is good. Let us ask God to give us understanding so that we can learn His decrees because He is the One who formed us. Let us pray for Him to be ever present with us because His Word is light to our path. Let us pray a heart that is fixed on obeying Him until the very end of our lives. God is a protector and sustainer. He is the One who is able to keep our hope from being dashed.

“I have done what is righteous and just; do not leave me to my oppressors. Ensure Your servant’s well-being; do not let the arrogant oppress me. I love Your commands more than gold, more than pure gold, and because I consider all Your precepts right, I hate every wrong path. Turn to me and have mercy on me, as You always do to those who love Your Name. Direct my footsteps according to Your Word; let no sin rule over me. REDEEM ME from human oppression that I may OBEY YOUR PRECEPTS.” [7]

Let us pray for deliverance from oppressors. They come against us for obeying God. Let us ask the Lord to ensure our well-being amid the arrogant behavior of our oppressors. Let us ask the Lord to help us not to compromise with the arrogant in their love for money. They love wrong paths, but we want the Lord to help us hate wrong paths. We don’t want sin to reign over us. We want to be redeemed from human oppression so that we can obey God’s precepts. “Amen, in Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.”

[1] Psalm 119:36-38
[2] Psalm 119:45
[3] John 8:32
[4] Psalm 119:47-50
[5] Psalm 119:67
[6] Psalm 119:68, 73, 105, 112, 114, 116
[7] Psalm 119:121-122, 127-128, 132-134

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