Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Little Lion Became a Beast

Standing before a US Senate subcommittee Pastor Richard Wurmbrand answered many questions about the communist exploitation of religion in Romania. Below is one answer he gave to the US Senators on May 6th, 1966:

“A little lion in its first days you can play with him just like with a puppy. When he becomes great, only then he is a lion. Yugoslavian communism is this little communism. And American communism a very little one and English communism is a very little one. When they grow, then, they can do whatever they will to do, then, only we can see them. With us, in the beginning, we also had a very nice communism. I have seen in Romanian Communist demonstrations signs with the slogan, ‘God save the King.’ I have seen the communist Secretaries of State making great crosses, showing themselves as being on the side of religion and making compliments to religion and bowing to religion and saying they are Democrats. They were nice until they had all the power in hand. When they had the whole power in hand, they have done things exactly as in Russia, and so they will do everywhere. There is no difference.” [1]

The baby lion that was not a cause for alarm transformed into a devouring beast.

Pastor Wurmbrand and many others were tortured for their faith in Christ by the communists. [2]

The Bible says, “The mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.” [3]

Praise the Lord that for the many years God has restrained those who would turn the US into a communist country. However, the Lord tells us when a nation forsakes Him, He will turn them over to a ruler unlike Himself... “That they may distinguish My service from the service of the kingdoms of the nations.” [4] I pray that the Lord will grace the US with a mighty return to Him before it is too late.

Once, the Lord stops restraining lawlessness, an antichrist will appear. The antichrist is worse than any other ruler in history. Revelation 13:1 describes him as a beast. Beasts are hard to control. They buck restraints. They destroy those who defy them.

The beast has a minister of propaganda who has the appearance of a lamb but speaks like a dragon. He causes people to worship the antichrist. He deceives and kills people. [5]

What did God’s people in the Bible do when evil rulers oppressed them? They humbled themselves. They cried out to the Lord. They returned to worshipping and serving the Lord.

“Lord, please send a revival.”

[2] The movie about Wurmbrand is entitled, “Tortured for Christ”
[3] 2 Thessalonians 2:7
[4] 2 Chronicles 12:5-8

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