Thursday, February 20, 2025

Has the Lord’s Arm been Shortened?

“Now the mixed multitude [or rabble] who were among them yielded to intense craving; so, the children of Israel also wept again and said: ‘Who will give us meat to eat? We remember the fish which we ate freely in Egypt, the cucumbers, the melons, the leeks, the onions, and the garlic; but now our whole being is dried up; there is nothing at all except this manna before our eyes!’” [1]

A better response to their craving would have been to take it to the Lord in prayer instead of complaining. When a large multitude of people is traveling through a wilderness, the last thing they need is for some people to start complaining.

How many of us have complained about the food provided for us? I know I have. I have asked the Lord to forgive me for those complaints. He has been so good to me.

The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary explains that the mixed multitude or rabble as some translations interpret this Hebrew word אֲסַפְסֻף consisted of Egyptians. Matthew Henry’s Commentary states, “The rabble that came with them out of Egypt, expecting only the land of promise, but not a state of probation in the way to it. They were hangers on, who took hold of the skirts of the Jews, and would go with them only because they knew not how to live at home and were disposed to seek their fortunes (as we say) abroad. Note, A few factious, discontented, ill-natured people, may do a great deal of mischief in the best societies, if great care be not taken to discountenance them.”

God was providing meals miraculously for people in a wilderness. The Psalmist testified, “Man did eat angels’ food.” The manna that God provided for them from heaven “was like coriander seed, white, and it tasted like flat pastry (wafers) made with honey.” [2] Sounds pretty tasty, right? But they [the mixed multitude] had a craving for fish, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onion and garlic, and so they began to complain.

In response to the rabble’s complaints, Moses said to the Lord, “Why have You afflicted Your servant? And why have I not found favor in Your sight, that You have laid the burden of all these people on me? Did I conceive all these people? Did I beget them, that You should say to me, ‘Carry them in your bosom, as a guardian carries a nursing child,’ to the land which You swore to their fathers? Where am I to get meat to give to all these people? For they weep all over me, saying, ‘Give us meat, that we may eat.’ I am not able to bear all these people alone, because the burden is too heavy for me. If You treat me like this, please kill me here and now—if I have found favor in Your sight—and do not let me see my wretchedness!” [3]

People who are never happy have a negative impact on those who serve them. The Lord says to us, “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.” [4]

The Lord answered Moses’ request for help by placing His Spirit on 70 elders. They helped him to bear the burden of the people. The provided meat for the people daily for a whole month. [5]

At first, Moses wondered how God would provide meat for 600,000 men for a whole month. Would they have to slaughter all their flocks? Would they have to catch all the fish in the sea. The Lord asked Moses, “Has the Lord’s arm been shortened?” [6]

This is a good word for us who tend to worry about many things. “Has the Lord’s arm been shortened?” He provided meat for 600,000 men, plus their wives and children for a whole month just because they wanted variety. The Lord can certainly provide for you and yours in a land with tens of thousands of grocery stores and restaurants.

Back in 1986, I wrote to prayers supporters of our mission to Hong Kong and China, “This week, 81-year-old Doug Fraser sent us a check for $35. His closing remark was, “Go buy some lunch for your family with this.” His envelope only had a $0.22 stamp on it. This was insufficient postage to send a letter from the US to HK. God answered a prayer that I prayed that He would bring us money on the backs of angels. I was surprised that an elderly man from Chicago was God’s chosen weapon to give us a victory.” Before his check arrived, our food supply was down to a few items and we had no money left. His gift held us over until more ample supplies arrived. Glory to God!

The Lord’s arm has not been shortened. Faith in God is the key to victory! Not looking to yourself, or to your circumstances but to God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. God is greater than all your problems. Greater than anything!

Remember! God provided meat for 600,000 men, plus their wives and children for a whole month because they wanted variety. The Lord can certainly provide for you and yours in a land with tens of thousands of grocery stores and restaurants. Ask and receive! And praise the Lord!

“My God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” [7]

[1] Numbers 11:4-6
[2] Psalm 78:25; Exodus 16:31
[3] Numbers 11:11-15
[4] Hebrews 13:7
[5] Numbers 11:16-20
[6] Numbers 11:21-23
[7] Philippians 4:19

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