Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Christ-Centered Christianity

“Paul, as his manner was, went in unto them, and three sabbath days [3 weekly meetings] reasoned with them out of the Scriptures.” [1]

“The Greek word translated ‘reasoned’ is the root for our English word dialogue. There was an exchange, questions and answers. He dialogued with them ‘from the Scriptures.” (Hughes) [2]

“Opening and alleging, that Christ must needs have suffered, and risen again from the dead; and that this Jesus, whom I preach unto you, is Christ.” [3]

Paul did the work in Thessalonica, Greece, of proving that the Christ had to suffer and rise again from the dead. He presented persuasive evidence to his listeners.

The first reaction...

A great multitude of devout Greeks (even chief women) believed in JESUS. [4] Praise the Lord!

The second reaction:

Those who were jealous recruited a mob of lewd people and started a riot. They attacked the house of Jason and brought him and others who supported Paul before the rulers of the city. Their accusation against was:

“These that have turned the world upside down are come here also... They are contrary to Caesar... They say that Jesus is king.” [5]

Thankfully, the rulers let Jason go. [6]

In the meantime, Paul and Silas traveled to Berea, Greece. The Bereans received God’s Word with readiness of mind. They searched the Scriptures daily. Many of them believed including highly honored Greek women and men. [7]


Then, angry people arrived from Thessalonica and stirred up the people against Paul once again, so he went and preached to people in Athens, Greece. [8] An Athenian man named Dionysius and an Athenian woman named Damaris, and others believed in Jesus. [9]

Leading people to believe in Christ is Christ-centered Christianity. We are still pointing people to Him today.

Jesus gives those who believe in Him new and abundant life. He takes the guilt of sin away because He forgives all our sins. He gives us His Holy Spirit. His Spirit gives us love, joy and peace that we never experienced prior to our faith in Christ. And He gives us eternal life. I pray, if you have not believed in Christ yet, that you would believe in Him today.

[1] Acts 17:2
[2] Enduring Word Commentary
[3] Acts 17:3
[4] Acts 17:4
[5] Acts 17:5-7
[6] Acts 17:9
[7] Acts 17:11-12
[8] Acts 17:13-15
[9] Acts 17:34

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