Wednesday, April 10, 2019

When the Lord Wants It Done

The man was threatening, arresting, and murdering Christians.

But the Lord Jesus appeared to him and asked him why he was persecuting Him. Essentially, Jesus told the man that he was only hurting himself. The man submitted himself to Jesus.

Next, the Lord gave a Christian man a vision. He told this Christian the name of a street, and a resident’s name who lived on that street. He informed the Christian that in this house he would find the anti-Christ-man, whom He had just converted, praying. Now, the Christian protested at first. He knew of the harm which the praying man had previously committed against Christians. The Lord said to him, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My Name...” The Christian obeyed the Lord, and the man, who once hurt and killed Christians, became a preacher of Christ.

“Immediately he preached Christ in the synagogues, that He is the Son of God.” All who heard him were amazed. He, who destroyed Christians, is now proving to people that this Jesus is the Christ. [1]

This story is happening today as well. Different people! Different places! Especially, in the countries of Iraq and Iran! The Lord Jesus is appearing to anti-Christian individuals and bringing them to faith in Himself so that they join Him in bringing the Gospel to others.

“Thank You Lord Jesus for Your amazing grace. You save unworthy sinners and make them Your mouth, hands, and feet to speak the message of Your amazing grace to others.”

[1] Acts 9:1-22 full account

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