Thursday, April 11, 2019

Peter’s Word To Soldiers

Key points of Peter’s Message…
To the soldiers of the Italian Regiment…
Gathered at the home of Cornelius (their leader):

God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and with power
Jesus went about doing good
Jesus healed people who were oppressed by the devil
God was with Jesus
Peter and others were witnesses of all things which Jesus did
Jesus was crucified
God raised Jesus up on the third day
God showed the risen Jesus to His witnesses
Those witnesses ate and drank with the risen Jesus
Jesus commanded Peter and the other witnesses to preach to people…
To testify that Jesus shall Judge the living and the dead…
To testify that all the [Biblical] prophets point to Jesus…
So that whosoever believes in Jesus receives forgiveness of sins

The outcomes of Peter’s preaching were:

The Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the Word
The new-believers were baptized

Acts 10:34-48

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