Wednesday, December 19, 2018


The primary Greek word for “confess” is homologeo (see above) basically means “to say the same word.”

homo - same
logos - word

To be a confessor of our Lord Jesus Christ is to say the same thing that He is saying in His Holy Word - the Bible.

Jesus declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” [1]

To be a follower of Christ is to be one who believes and confesses that Jesus Christ alone is the way to the Father... the way to eternal bliss after this life is over. The Gospel is that Jesus Christ accomplished everything that was needed for our salvation. We receive salvation from Him as a free gift with no merit of our own... “by grace you are saved.” [2]

We need to beware of confessing or believing something that is other than what Jesus said. “Obscurantism is, obscuring the Gospel by emphasizing things that are actually external to the Gospel as being central to it. The end result is a false gospel that becomes a stumbling block to those Christians and churches are trying to reach. Syncretism is the mixing of Christianity with something else so that it becomes a different gospel. Syncretism can take place with a positive-thinking gospel, a nationalist emphasis, or emerging culture.

When anything is added to the message of the Gospel, the uniqueness and sufficiency of Christ is compromised and another gospel can be created that is, well, actually not the gospel. In this, obscurantism and syncretism are closely related, each leading to the creation of a false gospel.” [3]

[1] John 14:6
[2] Ephesians 2:8

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