Friday, March 9, 2018

Enforcer or Empathizer

“Do you [hypocritical judges] despise the riches of His [God’s] goodness, forbearance, and long-suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” [1]

The Apostle Paul addressed the hypocrites who called for obedience to God’s Law while failing to obey it themselves. He reminded them how generous God is with being good, forbearing, and long-suffering with sinners. God’s goodness leads sinners to repent.

The purpose of God’s Law is to afflict the comfortable. The purpose of the Gospel is to comfort the afflicted. Our Lord Jesus gave believers the Holy Spirit to help us know when to apply the conviction of the Law, and when to apply the comfort of the Gospel. In fact, only the Holy Spirit can convert a soul to Christ.

“Thank You Lord Jesus, for providing for us the Law, the Gospel, and Your Holy Spirit. Please grant that our actions and words towards others and towards ourselves will spring forth from the goodness of God. In Your Name I pray, amen.”

[1] Romans 2:4

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