Thursday, September 8, 2016

God embodies His Word in the lives of Believers

During lecture number six lectures on the book of Jeremiah, Dr. Gary Yates states that the prophet Jeremiah embodied the Word of God. Insomuch, that the way the people treated Jeremiah was a reflection of their feeling towards God’s Word. In the final analysis, their country suffered defeat at the hand of a pagan nation because they had the Word of God but treated it with contempt and did not heed it. God’s Word was sent to save them but they chose to reject it to their own destruction.

“Lord, thank You for Your Word. Thank You for Your servants who embody it by the way they live. Please help us to listen to You and to the servants of Your Word that we might not end up as the people did in the days of Jeremiah.”

Our Lord Jesus perfectly embodied the Word of God. He never diverted from perfect obedience to it. Christ is the ultimate example of a prophet (a speaker) for God. All the prophets that went before Him were only types or imperfect representations of Him. He is the fullness of God’s image. That is why true followers of God are called Christians. We are types of Christ. We seek to embody the Word of God by the power of Christ’s Spirit living in us.

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