Sunday, November 9, 2014

Dare to be a Daniel

“Dare to be a Daniel” means to obey the Word of God in the presence of those who violate it. Daniel’s obedience to the Word of God was a witness to those around him.

Daniel had been captured and taken by force from his country. He was forced to serve those who destroyed his nation. He could have been stubborn, but he was not. He sought the prosperity of the people that he lived among. He had read the writings of the prophet Jeremiah. [1] Jeremiah told the Jews living in Babylon to “seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which the Lord sent them. Pray to the Lord for city, because if the city prospers, they too would prosper.” [2]

Daniel was a witness when it came to healthy eating habits. He said to the man in charge of his diet, “Please test your servants for ten days: Give us nothing but vegetables to eat and water to drink.” [3] He risked his life when he asked to be excused from eating the king’s unhealthy food. Nebuchadnezzar was a cruel tyrant. However, the king allowed Daniel to eat his special diet because after a ten-day test period, his diet of vegetables and water gave him a healthy appearance.

Our body is God’s gift to us. Some people mock those who do not smoke, drink alcohol, take drugs or eat unhealthy foods, but those who exercise good stewardship of their body generally experience good health and strength.

Daniel was a witness for the Lord by his faith. When the wise men of Babylon could not interpret the king’s dream, he asked his three friends to pray diligently for him. [4] He believed that God could reveal the dream to him if they prayed to God. God did reveal the meaning of the king’s dream to Daniel.

Daniel was a witness for the Lord because he refused to be dishonest or unfair. His co-workers “could find no corruption in him, because he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent.” [5] Daniel simply did what was right.

Daniel was a witness for the Lord because he refused to compromise his faith in God. One day, his government passed a law that made prayer to anyone except the king a crime punishable by death. Daniel continued to pray to the Lord three times a day and he did it openly. [6] Daniel was arrested and thrown into a lion’s den, because he continued to pray to God. The Lord shut the mouths of the lions. Daniel was rescued from the lion’s den. Then, those who schemed against him were thrown into the lion’s den. The lions immediately ate them. [7]

Daniel was a witness for the Lord because he listened to the Lord. As Daniel was waiting silently before the Lord, the Lord revealed to him future events that would happen before the end of time. [8]

Daniel depended on the Lord to make him strong when he was weak. When his circumstances were beyond his control, he depended on the Lord for victory. He preferred death to compromising his relationship with God, but he also trusted in God’s goodness.

So, what does it mean to dare to be a Daniel? It means to be a witness for the Lord.

[1] Daniel 9:2
[2] Jeremiah 29:7
[3] Daniel 1:12
[4] Daniel 2:17-19
[5] Daniel 6:4
[6] Daniel 6:10-12
[7] Daniel 6:21-24
[8] Daniel 7-12

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