Thursday, November 6, 2014

A Savior & Defender Who Rescues

“When they cry out to the Lord because of their oppressors, He will send them a Savior and Defender, and He will rescue them.” [1]

There are so many voiceless people. When they speak, no one seems to listen. For example, a man from Sudan told us of the horrific things that are being done to people in Sudan. He escaped by God’s grace, but still suffers nightmares from his experiences. He wonders why the majority of the world’s people are silent about these atrocities.

The Lord cares for abused people; for people who do not know how to speak up for themselves! He is a Savior and Defender to rescue them when they cry out to Him. Many just need someone to tell them who the Lord is. That is our part!

The Siloam Family Health Center in Nashville is an amazing ministry run mostly by Christian volunteers. The caregivers attempt to heal the wounded inwardly and outwardly. We thank God for Mrs. Jayne Haynes. She gave us a tour of the center and introduced us to key people who serve there. She testified of miracles of love that had occurred. Attached is a photo of Siloam’s “Core Value” statements. Good values for people to embrace.

[1] Isaiah 19:20

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