Saturday, September 14, 2013

He that Wins Souls is Wise

Christianity is not rocket science. A Christian believes in Christ and leads others to do the same. Our purpose is to testify for Jesus Christ. Our commission is to win souls to Him. Proverbs 11:30 advises, “He that wins souls is wise.”

Prayer fuels soul winning and soul winning fuels prayer. If we are not soul winning, our prayer life is weak. Soul winning requires prayer for God’s leading and anointing to speak, prayer for the soul we will witness to, and prayer for the person who opens their heart to Jesus.

William Booth called his soul winning movement, “The Salvation Army” because it is a battle. If we daily share Christ with others, we will be driven to our knees, because: apart from Christ we can do nothing. Apart from Christ listeners won’t respond. Apart from Christ the enemy will win. With Christ all things are possible.

Prayer is vital to vigilance. Prayer is imperative for preparedness. Prayer is asking Almighty God Maker of heaven and earth for HELP.

“The Hour that Changes the World” movement began after Dick Eastman saw how many souls in China needed Jesus. He recruited people to pray for China. After 25 years of prayer, the organization he is a part of has reached 800 of China’s largest cities. 40 million families have been given the Gospel home by home.

Four Prayers Needs

Workers for the Harvest
Nothing can be built or maintained without workers

Open Doors
A third of the world lives where Gospel sharing is prohibited

Fruit that Remains
In many cultures converts are rejected by family and society

Most people do not realize how expensive it is to spread the Gospel

“Dear Heavenly Father, please make us wise in regards to winning souls to believe in Your Son Jesus Christ. In His Name I pray. Amen.”

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