Monday, May 13, 2013

Poem for Turning from Idols to the Living God

I repent
I repent of
Other gods before my God
Our God is a jealous God
He will not share His glory with another

As a youth I marveled in comic book heroes
Even Thor, a Greek god, was one of my heroes
Why did I marvel in them
I wanted powers like theirs
To be the center of attention
Not so much to be spent
Rescuing people

Oh, the heart is exceedingly deceitful
Who can know it?

There is no one like Jesus
He IS the Son of God
He IS the Savior of the world
By Him all things exist
He holds all things together
By Him all things exist

Though being in very essence God
He did not count Godhood
Something to be grasped
He became a servant
A servant to the point of death
And His death happened on a cross

He had no earthly bride
A soldier pierced His side

After a three day sleep
There was new creation
As God put the first Adam to sleep
And made from his rib a bride
After the second Adam’s side
Was pierced
After He rested
A bride came forth
She is the Church
His new creation

The true hero
Found a damsel
Not through self-exaltation
But through humiliation
He gave His life for her
He bled and died
But rose from the dead
So that she too
His bride
Could live forever

God has His own script
A story for humankind
It is not a script for one
One of the human race
To be super or above
All others
But that through God’s Son
Jesus Christ
All could experience new life
All could be transformed
All could live forever
All could overcome evil

This is why
This is why
No one
Should give
God’s glory
To another

Jesus Christ alone
Is Lord
He is the King of kings
He is the Lord of lords
Every knee shall bow
Every tongue confess
HIS Name

Don’t give to humankind
What belongs to God
To God be the glory
To Him be the honor
Praise His Name

Serve the Lord with gladness
Make His ways known
In all the earth

Go preach the Gospel
To every creature
Let them know
That Jesus Christ
Is Lord of all

I repent
I repent of
Wanting anything else
But to be with Christ
To be one member
Of His body
The Church
And with her
And in her
Bring Jesus Christ
Honor all my days

Lord, please forgive me
Of my sin
Please cleanse me
Purify me within
Make me worthy Lord
To proclaim YOUR name

May I decrease
May YOU increase
May I be Your vessel
Through whom others
Receive YOU

I bow my knee
I confess with my tongue
That YOU alone are Lord
Forever and ever
World without end

Jesus Christ is Lord

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