Sunday, August 19, 2012

21st Century Jeremiah

I praise God for revealing to us how He reached out to a young man named Jeremiah and called him to be a prophet to the nations. God describes how He did it in the first chapter. Jeremiah felt inadequate for the task, and he was, but God promised to be with him and help him. In the first chapter, God gave Jeremiah two visions and explained the meaning of the visions to him. Thus, his prophetic ministry began because God supplied him the light to do it. [1]

God strengthened Jeremiah to share His message with His people. Though some hated, falsely accused, beat, and imprisoned him, God helped him to keep bringing forth His Word to people. God also gave Jeremiah the necessary love, patience, and endurance to care for the people that God had entrusted to him.

On July 18, 2012, I established a blog site “21st Century Jeremiah” to share the messages of Jeremiah, the prophets, the apostles, and the messages of our Lord Jesus Christ with people. God’s Word is light. Needed light for our dark world!

When I went to Hong Kong in June of 1985, it was on a gut sense, a knowing, that God called me. I went by faith, trusting in the promises recorded in His Word. That mission involved hardships, lean times and even persecution, but by the grace of our Lord Jesus and working of the Holy Spirit, it yielded good fruit. Orphans and widows were visited! Many lost souls believed in Jesus. Glory to God!

Now, I am praying, “Heavenly Father, if you want me to be like Jeremiah during this twenty-first century, then, please be with me! Please develop and cultivate me. Please also make me like a fortified city, an iron pillar, and a bronze wall to stand for You. [2] Help me lead distant people from You to become close with You!

May the Lord be glorified and may souls be saved.

[1] Jeremiah 1:4-19
[2] Jeremiah 1:18

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