Friday, September 22, 2023

Fishermen Disciples

You ever wonder why Jesus called fisherman to be his disciples? It was never a thought for me until this past year. I’ve had the privilege of getting to know what life as a commercial fisherman looks like and it has opened my eyes to the reality of who Jesus called to be his closest friends.

These guys are relentless! Days without sleep. Hours of work for a few weeks out of the year, continuously preparing for the next season. They face and overcome multiple obstacles in one day – but they keep going.

They live by faith every single day! So much preparation and yet when they are on the water, they don’t know if they’ll catch anything – it’s all in the hands of the One who created it all! And He always provides!

Their passion drives them forward! They are tough, resilient, stubborn, and not afraid of hard work…they have made some bad decisions…Yet have the biggest heart! They are real people, they don’t pretend to be someone else and enjoy the simple things in life – love, laughter, and good food!

So maybe Jesus called the fisherman because He knew that’s what it was going to take. Passionate people who love big, work hard, work with purpose, and are not easily swayed by this world – because once they know what they know, there’s no changing their minds.

When Jesus calls the heart of a fisherman, watch out… cause big things are about to happen!

By Kristen Czanderna on September 20, 2021

Andrew Czanderna, her husband, and my son added: “The Lord is mending me every day just like I mend these nets. Those who look to the Lord are radiant.”

“They looked to Him and were radiant, and their faces were not ashamed.” (Psalm 34:5)

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