Saturday, May 27, 2023

Desire The Best Spiritual Gifts

Judah’s ungodly king was dead. Israel’s evil king and queen were dead. The prophecy spoken by Elijah from the Lord was fulfilled! Sadly, those who replaced them also did evil. [1]

The Lord urges us in His Word to, “Earnestly desire the best [spiritual] gifts.” [2]

The Holy Spirit and His gifts working through a leader’s administration is the key to steering a nation in the right direction. The Holy Spirit empowers leaders us to do the will of God. He brings the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

When Jesus Christ walked among us, the Holy Spirit’s anointing led Him to preach good news to the poor rather than bad news. The Holy Spirit anointed Him to heal the sick rather than exploit them. The Holy Spirit anointed Him to set captives free from the devil rather than destroy them.

We pray: “Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” [3]

“Heavenly Father, please bring our leaders to repentance in regards to sin, and to infilling by the Holy Spirit in regards to an anointing to lead us well. Only You can bring Your kingdom down to us! Only through You does Your will come to pass here on earth. We want You to reign in our nations, and in our lives. This we pray in the Name of Jesus. Amen.”

[1] 2 Kings 9-11
[2] 1 Corinthians 12:31
[3] Matthew 6:10

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