Saturday, April 8, 2023

By My Spirit says the Lord Almighty

"Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord Almighty." [1]

Having taken in a steady diet of stories and movies about human heroes growing up, the Lord Jesus had to do so much in my life to help me see that He has been the "hero" behind every godly man and woman in the Bible.

When I began writing about Jeremiah the Prophet, I thought I had found a human hero that I could emulate because I have a nation in spiritual decline like he did. I experience grief for the consequences of sin like Jeremiah did. I feel compelled to speak truth amidst lies as he did. But alas, no one can emulate the greatness of the Biblical characters apart from the gifting of the Holy Spirit in his or her life. Jeremiah was moved by the Holy Spirit with prophetic utterances that were precise and timely.

The Book of Judges is a case and point for the fact that apart from the Spirit of God, human leaders cannot lead their nation well...

"The Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon him [Samson]..." [2]

The leader cannot deliver a nation from the hands of it's enemies without an enduement of power and insight from the Holy Spirit. Its 
always the Spirit of God leading and guiding the judges in the Book of Judges. The Spirit of God is the difference maker.

Praise be to God for His marvelous grace! He gives gifts of His Spirit to unworthy and flawed people who believe in Him. He anoints people to do great exploits for His glory. He often works through us in spite of us. Glory to God!

[1] Zechariah 4:6
[2] Judges 14:6

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