Thursday, September 15, 2022

Conversions To Christ

“I tried to make myself a Christian, but failed.” ~ Hudson Taylor

Stop and think about that for a moment!

Who is Jesus Christ?

He is the perfect Son of God! He lived a sinless life! He raised the dead, opened blind eyes, made the lame to walk again and He always did His Father’s will! He died on a cross, rose again & ascended to heaven.

Some careers are so difficult that few can do them. No one can live like Jesus unless Jesus changes them and empowers them to do so.

There must be a conversion by the Spirit of Christ via the truth... the Word of God if anyone is going to be a Christian. Only Christ can make Christians. Each person must come to Jesus Christ for salvation. Each Christian must be filled with the Spirit of Christ to walk as Jesus walked.

Hudson Taylor experienced that transformation and lived by resting in the Savior's abilities not his own.

[The attached photos pertain to the testimony of missionary to China Hudson Taylor]

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