Sunday, January 24, 2021

When Will The End Be?

Jesus had been in the temple that day. His disciples showed Him the buildings of it. Jesus told them that not one stone of this building would be left here upon another. [1]

After that, He was sitting on the Mount of Olives. [2] They could see the temple from there.

King Herod employed 10,000 workers to expand and beautify the temple. Its gold roof reflected sunlight. Its white marble walls appeared as snow. Its beautification ended in 63 AD. Its destruction occurred in 70 AD. It was set on fire by the Romans during a Jewish insurrection. The Romans pulled its wall stones apart to extract the gold that had melted among them. Not one stone was left upon another.

The disciples probably assumed that the end of the temple would be the end of the world. They wanted to know when this end would come. Jesus did not give them a day or time. He gave them signs. Road signs! When you come to these signs, the end is near.

The first sign was deception. [3] Many people would come in His name. Many people would be deceived. [4] Deception precedes robbery. A person does not willingly surrender treasure. He or she must be deceived out of it. So, the first sign is deceivers. People will exchange the true Messiah for a fake one.

Reports of wars and rumors of wars is the next sign. Jesus tells them do not be troubled. “These things must come to pass.” [5]

Nations will fight. Famines, diseases, and earthquakes will follow. “The beginning of sorrows.” are literally the beginning of labor pains. [6] The things mentioned above will become more frequent and more intense before Jesus returns.

Then, disciples of Jesus will experience tribulation, murder, and hatred by all nations for His name’s sake. Many will offend, betray, and hate one another. [7]

Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Persecution would reveal the traitors within the Church as well as the enemies without.”

Many false prophets will deceive many. The love of will grow cold because of the lawless conditions. [8]

Lawlessness that results in lovelessness is the worst of pestilences. Outward persecution cannot steal the Church’s influence, but without love, it becomes no different than any other business.

“But he who endures to the end shall be saved.” [9] Herein is success! Endure! Hold on! Do not be robbed of your faith in Christ! Abide in Christ and you will have what you need.

Jesus declares, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” [10] The task at hand for disciples of Jesus is to keep preaching (heralding) the Gospel of the Kingdom. Destruction is not the final sign. Saving lost souls by pointing them to Jesus… bringing the Gospel to the world… this is the final sign. Then, Jesus will return and bring with Him a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwells righteous, peace and joy!

“Dear Heavenly Father, please help Your people to endure. Helps us to reach the heavenly shores by Your grace. Help us to keep love alive on earth! Help us to keep telling people about Jesus Your Son. For this we pray in His Name. Amen.”

[1] Matthew 24:1-2
[2] Matthew 24:3
[3] Matthew 24:4
[4] Matthew 24:5
[5] Matthew 24:6
[6] Matthew 24:7-8
[7] Matthew 24:9-10
[8] Matthew 24:11-12
[9] Matthew 24:13
[10] Matthew 24:14

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