Tuesday, November 17, 2020

To Pastor Prophetically is to:

Believe the Bible is inerrant
Be guided by the Holy Spirit
Speak God’s truth with conviction
Fill breeches
Sound alarms
Repair walls
Expose evil
Help people’s God-consciousness 
Advocate for justice
Speak to the deaf
Provide laws for the lawless
Abandon self to serve others
Confront wrong choices
Clarify consequences
Love deeply

Identify hope for the hopeless
Write poetically
Tell helpful stories
Give testimonies
Dramatize scenarios to make a point

Exude enthusiasm
Rise up in faith amidst doubt
Rejoice in repentance
Delight in forgiveness
Magnify God’s grace
Proclaim Messiah
Celebrate a risen Savior
Preach the Lordship of Jesus Christ 
Reconcile people to God
Assure of divine rewards

Build and inhabit vacated cities
See humanity’s future in the Bible
Remind people of their Redeemer
Rejoice evil ends and good endures
Shout victory for God’s people
Praise the Lord! [1]

“In this you greatly rejoice,
Though now for a little while, if need be,
You have been grieved by various trials,
That the genuineness of your faith,
Being much more precious than gold that perishes,
Though it is tested by fire,
May be found to praise, honor, and glory…
At the revelation of Jesus Christ,
Whom having not seen you love.
Though now you do not see Him,
Yet believing, you rejoice with…
Joy inexpressible and full of glory,
Receiving the end of your faith—
The salvation of your souls.

Of this salvation the prophets have…
Inquired and searched carefully,
Who prophesied of the grace that would come to you,
Searching what, or what manner of time,
The Spirit of Christ… 
Who was in them was indicating when—
He testified beforehand…
The sufferings of Christ
And the glories that would follow.” [2]

[1] Abbreviated list based on the Bible
[2] 1 Peter 1:6-11

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