Sunday, September 21, 2014

God’s Grief for Sinners Yields Good News

“Turn away from Me; let Me weep bitterly. Do not try to console Me over the destruction of My people.” [1]

While reading from the books of the prophets, I sometimes experience God’s grief. God warns people to repent of sin to spare them from sin’s consequences. Sadly, many think everything will be okay, even if they ignore God’s warnings. They choose to walk in the devil’s darkness rather than in God’s light.

The most gripping image in history to me is the Son of God, Jesus Christ, dying on a cross, for sinners like me. While nailed to the cross, deceived people mocked and insulted Him. Yet, Jesus, the Son of God cries out through the pain, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” [2]

The good news is that death and grave could not hold Christ. Three days after being executed, He resurrected. He is the only founder of a religion whose dead body cannot be found. Many witnesses saw Him alive again from the dead. Some of these witnesses of His resurrection were killed for proclaiming that Jesus of Nazareth was indeed the Messiah and Savior of the world.

May the Holy Spirit anoint us with our Lord’s grief for lost sinners. Give us visions of them burning in hell for eternity... never able to escape. May we be inconsolable for their sakes so that Christ’s love for them compels us to share with them the message of salvation. May our Lord grace them with ears to hear.

The good news about God’s grief for sinners is that it moves us to share the message of Messiah with them. God promises, “Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” [3]

[1] Isaiah 22:4
[2] Luke 23:34
[3] Psalm 126:5-6

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