Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Story Heard Around the World

Have you experienced goose bumps? Goose bumps when the Holy Spirit is present and there is a sensation of electricity in the air? I had such an experience in China.

I was in a student’s dorm room. We were sitting on wooden furniture with no cushions. The floor decor was a concrete slab. We were wearing coats because the room was not heated. A handful of university students were there to hear what I had to say about Jesus.

The anointing of God flowed when I began to tell the story of what one woman did for Jesus. A prophecy of Jesus was fulfilled that night.

Here I am telling the story again. More people from faraway places may hear this story for the first time. The Lord said that this story will be heard wherever the Gospel is preached.

This story began in the little town of Bethany. Jesus and His disciples were sitting in the home of a man with leprosy. Suddenly, a woman with expensive perfume entered the room, broke it’s jar open and poured the perfume on Jesus. [1]

Her deed drew an immediate reaction from some. Some angrily vented, “’Why was this fragrant oil wasted? For it might have been sold for more than three hundred denarii and given to the poor.’ They criticized her sharply.” [2]

Who did Jesus defend in this room? He turned to the woman’s critics and said to them, “Let her alone. Why do you trouble her? She has done a good work for Me. For you have the poor with you always, and whenever you wish you may do them good; but Me you do not have with you always. She has done what she could. She has come beforehand to anoint My body for burial. Assuredly, I say to you, wherever this Gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her.” [3]

She did a memorable deed for her Creator. She treasured the Lord. She was more in love with God than she was with His mission to the poor. She believed that Jesus would die for the sins of the world, and for hers. She believed He would resurrect from the dead. That is why she sacrificed for Him. She loved the Lord her God with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength.

Jesus told the men that day, “Truly I tell you, wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.”

That is why God’s anointing flowed that night in a humble meeting room in China. I had shared the Gospel. I had told the story of the woman who did a beautiful thing for Jesus. That night, the words of Jesus, spoken nearly two thousand years prior to the event, were fulfilled. “Truly I tell you, wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, what she has done will also be told, in memory of her.” [4]

Many aim to be influencers. How many followers do they recruit? But what’s their endgame? Are they leading people to love God? To love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength is the first and great commandment! Love God! Iti is simple! God is love. He wants to be loved.

I am glad the Gospel is being preached to all people and so is the story of the woman who worshipped and adored Jesus Christ.

[1] Mark 14:3
[2] Mark 14:4-5
[3] Mark 14:6-9
[4] Mark 14:9

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