Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Millions of Muslims Converting to Christ

Salem Voice Ministries recently reported that more Muslims have converted to faith in Christ over the past decade than at any other time in human history. Muslims from Morocco, Somalia, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Maldives have embraced Jesus of Nazareth as their Messiah.

In Iraq, more than five thousand Muslims converted to Christ since the end of major combat operations. Fourteen new churches opened in Baghdad. Dozens of new churches opened in Kurdistan, some with between five and eight hundred members. More than one million Bibles have been shipped into the country since 2003. Iraqis are snatching Bibles up so fast they constantly need more.

There were only five hundred known Christians in Iran in 1979, but there are more than one million Iranians who believe in Christ today.

Around a million Muslims believed in Jesus over the past decade in Egypt. The Egyptian Bible Society used to sell about three thousand copies of the JESUS film a year in the early 1990’s. In the year 2000, they sold 600,000 copies, plus 750,000 copies of the individual cassette tapes and about a half million copies of the Arabic New Testament. There’s one congregation which meets in an enormous cave on the outskirts of Cairo. Some ten thousand believers worship there every weekend. A prayer conference there drew some twenty thousand believers.

There were only seventeen known Afghan Christians in 2001. There are more than ten thousand believers in Christ now. Dozens of baptisms are done each week!

In 1990, there were only three known Christians in Kazakhstan and no Christians in Uzbekistan, but now there are more than 15,000 in Kazakhstan and 30,000 in Uzbekistan.

In Sudan, more than one million Muslims have converted since 2000, and some five million have become Christians since the early 1990’s despite persecution that has killed more than 200,000 Christians. Bible instruction happens even in caves.

In December 2001, Sheikh Ahmad al Qataani, a leading Saudi cleric, appeared on a live interview on Al-Jazeera satellite television to confirm that, sure enough, Muslims were turning to Jesus in alarming numbers. “Every hour, 667 Muslims convert to Christianity,” Al Qataani warned. “Every day, 16,000 Muslims convert to Christianity. Every year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity.”

One of the most dramatic developments is that many Muslims are seeing dreams and visions of Jesus and thus coming into churches explaining that they have already converted and now need a Bible. This fulfills a Bible prophecy spoken by Joel, “In the last days, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions. Even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days... And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” [1]

[1] Joel 2:28-32

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