Monday, June 17, 2013

Tribute to the Best Father Ever

In October of 1987, I was reading the Bible when I came across the following words, “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” [1] God wants His people to demonstrate His care for those who have lost spouse and/or parent. I prayed, “Lord, help me to meet either an orphan or widow.” And I believed somehow it would happen, but I didn’t know how.

That very evening, I was at a Bible Study led by Robert Weathersby. At the end of the study, Robert took prayer requests. A young Chinese lady, named Linda Pang, asked for prayer for her mother and sisters. Her father had just passed away and her mother was experiencing deep grief. After the study, I asked Linda if her mother would be okay with our family coming to visit her. She was happy that we were willing to do so.

That Sunday, we went to visit Linda’s mother. Her Chinese name was He Rue Hua. Her English name was Lydia. Lydia believed in Jesus and so did all her daughters.

Years after she lost her husband, Lydia wrote her testimony. It was entitled, “The Love I lost and the Love I gained.” In her testimony she spoke of how devastated she was to see her husband suffer from cancer and then, die. However, before he died, he believed in Jesus. And he told Lydia, and his three daughters to believe in Jesus. Lydia said that her husband died with such a serene look about him. She knew there must be something to this Jesus.

It was Lydia’s first birthday without her husband the day Sherry, our two babies Grace and Glory, and I came to visit. The Chinese often said, “Kaiche gungzi” when they first saw our two babies! “Kaiche gungzi” means “they look like baby dolls.” Lydia enjoyed holding our babies. She said that God blessed her with our love for her.

God brought other Christians into Lydia’s life. Two of her daughters married successful businessmen. Linda, her oldest daughter, got a scholarship to study in Australia. Lydia’s testimony was that she lost a love but gained more love.

Amidst the backdrop of hardship and loss, God wrote a beautiful story with Lydia’s life. She is now with the Lord.

The reason Lydia is with the Lord and her daughters are walking with the Lord is because of their loving Heavenly Father. That is why I am wishing God, “Happy Father’s Day.” He is the best Father ever and the source of all good fathers.

[1] James 1:27

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