Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Old Testament Prophets

The Old Testament prophets were men of the times.
Their message was meant for their times.
Their message was of timeless value because...
They were moved by the Holy Spirit.

Via the secret resources of exhaustless power...
Wisdom and grace given to them by God!
Endued with Holy Spirit power,
He moved them, they spoke.

Light of generations yet to be born.
Light for my generation.

Revealing God, His character, His holiness!
His nature, His mind, His heart!
His will and His ways!
Inspired by God!
Reproving, correcting, instructing!
Perfecting God’s holy people!
Fashioning them for good works. [2]

Amidst opposition,
The prophet sings:
“I will rejoice in the Lord,
I will joy in the God of my Salvation.
The Lord God is my strength.” [3]

When people feel abandoned...
The prophet declares...
“Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love:
Therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee.” [4]

They lived in a day when light was dim.
They had unfinished Bibles.
Jesus had not yet come.
The seal of the tomb had not yet been broken!
The resurrection light had not yet shined!
Pentecost had not yet come.
Yet, they believed in “Mighty God.”
“The Everlasting Father!”
“The Prince of Peace!”
“Upon His shoulders rests the government!”
His peace knows no end!
No matter how high sin ascends...
It shall come down!
Injustice, arrogance and pride...
Shall cease to exist.

They wept for sinners!
Breathed out promises!
God, the Holy One working...
In these devoted, yielded men.
Thank You God for them!

With Bible open...
I walk with Old Testament prophets...
I enjoy communion with the One...
They enjoyed!
The Lord of glory!

[1] Poetical version of Samuel Brengle’s Ancient Prophets
[2] 2 Timothy 3:15-17
[3] Habakkuk 3:18-19
[4] Jeremiah 31:3

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